Direct-to-Consumer Braces vs. Orthodontist

If you've ever considered using braces to straighten your teeth, you're most likely familiar with direct-to-consumer orthodontic treatment options, as advertised on TV. These companies have exploded in popularity recently—boasting their affordability and less fuss involved. However, not all aspects of direct-to-consumer treatment are good. There are strong, unwavering benefits to completing orthodontic treatment with a certified and experienced orthodontist vs. getting the quick fix of straight-to-order aligners. Here are some things you should consider before clicking "purchase" on a smile kit.
Expert Care in St. Joseph, Gallatin, Atchison, & Hiawatha
The field of orthodontics is a professional medical field. To be certified as an orthodontist, doctors must go through rigorous academic study and training to become licensed as a professional in the industry. Your best reviewed orthodontist in St. Joseph, Gallatin, Atchison, and Hiawatha, Dr. Lauren Windhorst, is a member of the American Association of Orthodontics, which is a professional association of doctors who have dedicated great time, energy, and effort into transforming smiles. When you're orthodontic treatment is supervised by a professional orthodontist like Dr. Windhorst, you can be certain that your care is of the highest quality and your results will be equally exceptional.
How Does Direct-to-Consumer Orthodontic Treatment Work?
Many companies advertised on TV offer an easy, online way to get a new smile. You simply submit an impression and photo of your teeth using the company's kit, and the company sends you a custom set of aligners every month or so. After completing all sets of aligners to straighten teeth, your smile will be aligned! This may sound too-good-to-be-true. And that's because, in many cases, it is.
In actuality, there is more to creating a straight, stunning smile than simply moving the teeth. Orthodontic treatment does more than straighten the visible part of your smile. Effective orthodontic treatment takes into consideration your bite, jaw alignment, facial structure, and smile/mouth as a whole—targeting all of these areas to provide you with a smile that is properly aligned and will maximize your oral and dental health as well. If orthodontic treatment is not done correctly, this can actually cause irreversible and costly damage such as misaligned bite, tooth or gum loss, and other issues.
Many direct-to-consumer orthodontic treatments cannot properly assess all features of your oral and dental health and therefore, only work to correct visible issues like crookedness, gaps, or crowded teeth.
Questions to Ask about Direct-to-Consumer Orthodontic Treatment
To help make your decision easier, here are a few questions that are important to ask yourself when considering direct-to-consumer orthodontic treatment aligners.
- Will X-rays be taken of your teeth and jaws?
- Will a clinical examination of your bite, facial profile, jaw alignment, and overall smile be taken to determine the best method for straightening your teeth?
- What type of treatment is offered by the direct-to-consumer company?
- How can you know that the type of treatment offered is the best method for your individual needs and smile goals?
- Are your teeth and gums healthy enough for orthodontic treatment, and has this been determined by your licensed dentist?
- Will you require any in-person office visits to a licensed dentist or orthodontist during your treatment?
- Is there a professional dentist or orthodontist involved in the creation and customization of your treatment?
- Are you provided with or able to research his or her name, practice, education, credentials, etc.?
- If there is a problem with your orthodontic treatment, who will be taking care of it, and who will be held responsible for it?
- Are you asked to sign any forms that release the company from liability should an injury or other issue occur?
- Who will handle any issues such as injury or an emergency, and how will those issues be handled?
Based on these questions, in the end it should become clear that trusting a direct-to-consumer teeth straightening option is not the best choice. Your smile is important after all. Why risk irreversible damage and take shortcuts designed for the masses not your unique mouth and smile when you could have amazing orthodontic treatment from an orthodontist with skill, experience, and a passion for helping people get the smile they desire?
Contact Your Trusted Orthodontist
If you're looking to improve your confidence by transforming your smile, it is always best to start by scheduling a consultation with your best reviewed orthodontist in the St. Joseph, Gallatin, Atchison, and Hiawatha area.
At Choice Orthodontics, we will take accurate images of your teeth and jaw, assess your bite, alignment, and facial structure, and discuss your smile goals with you. Together, we will determine the best possible course of action for your orthodontic treatment. If you'd like to know more, or have any questions regarding orthodontic treatment, we welcome you to contact us at one of our four state-of-the-art yet comfortable offices today. We can't wait to help you get started!